What We Believe

The Word of God, which is the Holy Bible, is the Supreme Authority, and it‘s all truth.
There is only one God, which exist in the trinity of Father, Son (Jesus), Holy Spirit.
The deity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His virgin birth, He was resurrected and He sits at the right hand of the Father. His future return to earth, to receive His church, and be with Him for eternity.
Salvation by the blood of Jesus through repentance and faith and spending eternity in Heaven only comes through Jesus Christ, He is the only Way.
Water Baptism by immersion in Jesus name.
Baby Dedication through prayer by laying on of hands in Jesus name.
Baptism of Holy spirit with evidence of Speaking in other tongues, Gifts of Holy Spirit and Power of God is very important part of the believers life.
Five Fold Ministry (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors, Teachers)
Divine Healing of the body by way of the Jesus Christ shed blood on the Cross.
Observing the Lords Supper by taking communion.
Local Church assembly & tithe and offerings: Tithe & offerings should be given to your local church, the place of where God has called you to receive His Word and to grow spiritually.